Monday, 23 November 2015

Self Confidence | b1tsandbeautyy

Hello everyone 
So because on Thursday I have a big makeup routine blog planned I have decided to have a more of a informal, chatty blog. I really enjoy reading these and they make me feel good about myself. 

Self confidence is a constant battle for most human beings every day whether it being what to wear or bigger things like performing to a big crowd, self confidence is a huge problem for most people, including me. 

Everyday I have this voice inside my head telling me what I should and shouldn't wear,say or do for example if I was going into town and wanted to wear red lipstick, part of me really wants too but part of me is screaming 'don't do it !' 'What will other people think of you' and the thing that annoys me so much about it is that I care more about what other people will think rather than what I think. 

To me I believe that this is so wrong, why should other people care what I do,wear or say ? If it doesn't have an effect on their lives then it's none of their business. Even though I  will still not do whatever I wanted to do because mainly I am scared of what people will think and I know it's not me who goes through this struggle it's millions of girls and boys.

To be honest if it doesn't hurt/offend/effect other people then you shouldn't worry. If you want to wear red,blue,black or whatever colour lipstick , you should. It's up to you what you do with your life. The main point I am trying to get too is that life is too short to worry about what other people think of you and what you do. You have to 'be you' or in the famous words of Hannah Montana ' life's what you make it so let's make it rock' 

Anyway thank you guys for reading this blog, I enjoy doing chatty little blogs like this. I hope you have enjoyed reading, I would love to hear a little comment about your views, have a good week !
Lots of love 
- b1tsandbeautyy ❤️ 

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