Tuesday, 3 January 2017

My Goals for 2017!

Hello everyone
Happy New Year! sorry i know, i am sick of hearing that greeting aswell, haha. Anyway as promised today's blog  i am going to tell you about my new years resolutions and goals for this year! Last year i stuck by my resolutions which i am pretty proud about.

My First Goal is that i need to exercise more, as i am going on holiday in august and i would like to become fitter for that. I don't want to lose weight but just become fitter. i don't exercise much as to be honest i cannot really be bothered to exercise. I will achieve this goal by running twice a week and doing home exercises.

My second Goal is to study  more and achieve really good GCSE grades, because when i open them in the summer i want to be proud of what i have achieved and not feel disappointed about what i have done. I will try my best to study as much as i possibly can in order to achieve this goal

My third Goal is that i want to become more confident in certain aspects of my life, this includes speaking to people in formal situations.Also in what i wear, i  am a very self conscious person, for example i don't wear cropped tops because i feel self conscious and i won't wear bright coloured lipstick or bold eyeliner as i don't want people to look at me and judge me. This is one of the things that i really want to stop.

My last goal is that i want to be very positive this year, i am always worrying, which sometimes results in a negative outlook. I want to wake up every day and feel good.

So that is it for my new years resolutions this year. I would love to know some of yours, s leave a comment down below for me to have a look at. I hope you have a great week.

B1tsandbeautyy xoxo

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