Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Who am I ?

whats up guys,
So you are all probably wondering who I am so I thought in this blog I would explain who I am and why I set upmy blog !
So firstly my name is Sarah and I am from the United Kingdom I am still in school and really enjoying it ! I have been watching youtube for about 2-3 years now and reading bloggers blogs and it's something that makes me excited and happy when I think about it. That's why I am here ;)
The reason I am doing a blog is because  it's my passion but also I want you guys to feel what I feel when I read people blogs or watch their videos.

Today was actually quite a nervous day for me as I had just set up my Instagram account and I wanted to tell my friends so I did and to them I probably came across funny and confident but inside I was like omg they are going to think I am so weird or a loser ! But they all reacted well and I was so pleased and it really boosted my confidence levels so that's why I set up my blog today as well because now I feel more confident with expressing myself and doing what I want to do !!

Alrighty I'm going to wrap it all up by saying. Thank you very much for reading my previous post I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I will enjoy writing it
Big hugs
Sarah aka B1tsandbeautyy xx

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